Its so lovely to have another writing royalty here...please be up standing for her majesty, Doris O'Connor! **Rolls out the red carpet and gets a flute of champers a'ready**
Over to the lady herself, who is generously offering one lucky winner an e-book of their choice from her collection of publications - all you have to do is comment about your own muse. A winner will be randomly picked on Tuesday 2nd April.
Muse where art thou?
When Samantha invited me on her blog, I jumped at the chance. Then I started thinking… What on earth can I write about? You see, my muse—a highly unpredictable and contrary little thing at the best of times—seems to have taken a leave of absence.
Where to I'm not quite sure but I hope it's somewhere warm with some hot guy or guys, or gals even. I don't much care as long as she comes back brimming to share her stories with me.
It is rather odd, not having any characters in my head clambering for my attention. Sure, I get ideas—like wispy clouds of smoke they catch my attention for a moment and then disappear the minute I reach out to touch them. It's been over two weeks since I sat down and wrote anything of substance. Even flashes are a bit of a struggle at the moment.
It's dire, I tell you. Dire!
So, what does a panster do when her characters aren't talking? Well, eat chocolate, procrastinate, spend a ridiculous amount of time on Pinterest, and—gasp—do housework. Yes, my hubby has at times wondered who has replaced his wife.
At least I am still bratty enough to reassure him that I am indeed still me, though I will get myself into hot water if I'm not careful. He started giving me that look…
Of course, the other thing I have been doing a lot of is reading. I have a massive TBR pile, and I am slowly making a dent in it, so all is not lost. I am holding onto the fact that sometime soon, that pesky muse will return and work me hard.
Until that time I will continue losing myself in someone else's world and sigh and cry and laugh with someone else's characters. It's such a treat, reading a good book, isn't it? So, I'm not worried—yet. You can quote me on that next week, when my muse still hasn't returned, and I am pulling my hair out.
For now I will leave you with my latest release. This was one of those stories that came out of nowhere. I woke up with Natasha in my head walking towards the hotel and her meeting with Mr. SG. I had no real idea who she was or why she chose to use Mr. SG’s services. I simply let myself be led and the results, as always were surprising to say the least.
This is the bit about being a panster that I love.
Hopefully, very soon that muse of mine will take me by the hand and lead me on another adventure. If you see her in the meantime, grab her and whip her into shape for me, please? Knowing her, she will enjoy that—a lot.
Tell me what you do to get your muse to co-operate and one lucky commenter will get an e-book of their choice from my available books, which you can check out here.
Mr. Satisfaction Guaranteed, the card said – what a pretentious name for an escort.
Still, cancer survivor Natasha has to do something to reclaim her sexuality after her reconstructive surgery, and he comes highly recommended, by her mother no less.
When she meets the experienced Dom, he makes every submissive bone in her body sing, and wish for things that can never be. Or can they? Fantasy fulfillment is all well and good, but she is just another client.
As they test all of her boundaries, will their one night heal her, or break her?
"I want you to play, pet. Play, or safe word out. Those are your two options. I suggest you use them wisely."
The pressure on her shoulders increased, just enough to get slightly painful, and she took a deep breath. She could do this. She wanted to really. She ran her fingers over the keys, the movement so familiar, yet strange after all this time, and she shut her eyes.
Something haunting he'd said. How very fitting. Without any conscious thought on her part, her fingers flew, and she lost herself in the music. Tears gathered and dropped on her hands, yet still she played, her body swaying with the music. By the time the last few notes of Chopin's Nocturne in E minor had drifted off into the ether, she felt at peace. Natasha floated on the high that playing the piano had used to give her all the time, before her cancer treatment had blown up her fingers and made playing impossible. She acknowledged the thought, but caught in her bubble of happiness and achievement, it did not have the power to hurt her just then.
When she opened her eyes, it was to find SG watching her. Heat rose in her cheeks, and her cunt clamped when she realized what she was witnessing.
He was leaning against the piano, his legs spread wide, and Jonas was giving him head. She sucked in a breath and hastily pulled her eyes back up to SG's face. He smiled at her, and against her
better judgment her gaze darted downwards. Jonas chose that moment to come up for air, and her clit clenched in need when she got her first proper view of SG's cock. Slick from Jonas's mouth it glistened and quivered. Jonas put one hand on SG's thigh and grasped the other man's heavy ball sac with the other. Jonas squeezed and then sucked one testicle into his mouth. SG's groan of pleasure made her breathing hitch. She shouldn’t be witnessing this moment, but she couldn't drag her gaze away either as Jonas ran his hand up and down SG's huge cock. Pre-cum leaked on his fingers, the scent of sex heavy in the air, and Natasha licked her lips. She could almost taste the spicy, salty essence in the air. SG groaned again, the sound so low and sexy, moisture trickled past her pussy lips and onto her thighs.
Who'd have thought that watching two men in action would be such a turn on, let alone that SG would actually give her that particular fantasy. She could feel his gaze on her face, on her breasts and lower, scorching her skin as though he was running his hands over her sweat slicked flesh.
"Touch yourself for me while you watch, pet. You know you want to. But do not come without my permission. "
Natasha balled her hands into fists, horrified to see them in her lap. She seemed to have spread her legs wide, too, giving SG, and Jonas for that matter, should he chose to look across, a perfect view of her wet cunt. She should have been mortified, but instead white hot arousal coursed through her veins. Her breathing grew heavy in tune with the men, and she ran her fingers through her wet slit. A moan escaped her lips, as the familiar tingles started. Circling her clit, she felt it swell under her fingertip, just as SG's cock swelled and pulsed. Jonas set to work in earnest, and SG grabbed the younger man's hair and started to fuck his mouth. Faster and harder they all worked together, to reach the pinnacle. Her fingers fell away as SG came with a roar of completion, and Jonas's throat worked overtime swallowing down his seed. She was so close, so goddamn close, but he hadn’t given her permission to come, and she couldn't push herself over that cliff without it, she just couldn't.
So she stopped, not daring to move, as the cool air on her swollen folds alone started the familiar tingles of bliss. She bit her lip, and dug her hands into the leather of the piano chair. Perspiration broke out all over her body, but somehow she staved off the impending orgasm.
By the time she had herself back under control, Jonas had finished licking SG clean. He pulled the younger man up by his hair and the rough kiss that followed between them had Natasha teetering on the brink again.
Jonas was flushed and breathing so heavily his pants filled the still room when SG broke the kiss. The outline of his erect cock was clearly visible through his fitted trousers, and Jonas groaned when SG took him into a firm grip through the fabric.
"Want to help our boy out here, my pet? I think he deserves a treat, don't you? And as you've been such a good girl you deserve one, too. Jonas here does wonders with his tongue." He patted Jonas's head, and the young man colored and bowed his head in submission.
Natasha couldn't tear her eyes away from the outline of that erection, and SG chuckled. He released Jonas who immediately resumed his previous position on the floor. SG pulled Natasha to her feet so roughly that she would have stumbled, had he not picked her up and set her on the piano. The keys clanged as her feet settled on them. Natasha winced at the sound, before his mouth came down hard on hers and she forgot to think altogether. He tasted just as she imagined he would, raw, masculine, earthy, with just a hint of Jonas's scent still clinging to his firm lips. He shifted, and another set of hands spread her thighs wide, before an extremely skillful tongue delved into her channel, and she screamed into the kiss SG gave her.
He broke the kiss and smiled at her, the warm approval in his eyes her undoing.
Author Bio:
Glutton for punishment would be a good description for Doris... at least that's what she hears on an almost daily basis when people find out that she has a brood of nine children, ranging from adult to toddler and lives happily in a far too small house, cluttered with children, pets, dust bunnies, and one very understanding and supportive husband. Domestic goddess she is not.
There is always something better to do after all, like working on the latest manuscript and trying not to scare the locals even more than usual by talking out loud to the voices in her head. Her characters tend to be pretty insistent to get their stories told, and you will find Doris burning the midnight oil on a regular basis. Only time to get any peace and quiet and besides, sleep is for wimps.
She likes to spin sensual, sassy, and sexy tales involving alpha heroes to die for, and heroines who give as good as they get. From contemporary to paranormal, BDSM to F/F, and Ménage, haunting love stories are guaranteed.
Evernight Publishing:
All Romance E-Books:
Phew! That was one HOT excerpt, wouldn't you agree?!
'Til next time....look after those muses!
Sam :-)
Friday, 29 March 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Update on my WIP
Hello folks
As some of you already know, I've been working on a story for a while now and I'm so excited to's very, very nearly finished! Eeeeek! I've been working with my fab Crit Part, Faith Thomas and the equally lovely Annie Seaton, who both have been helping me to wip my WIP into perfect shape :-) Just two more chapters to edit and then my 'baby' will pretty much be ready to submit to publishers.
Double eeeek!
I have a couple in mind and always open to the idea of self pub'ing too. So we will see nearer the time when I'll go with it.
I'll keep you all updated with the rest of the 'journey' over the next couple of months. Exciting time ahead I'm sure! Before I go, I thought I'd share a small excerpt from my still nameless story....without further ado, its over to Luca....
As some of you already know, I've been working on a story for a while now and I'm so excited to's very, very nearly finished! Eeeeek! I've been working with my fab Crit Part, Faith Thomas and the equally lovely Annie Seaton, who both have been helping me to wip my WIP into perfect shape :-) Just two more chapters to edit and then my 'baby' will pretty much be ready to submit to publishers.
Double eeeek!
I have a couple in mind and always open to the idea of self pub'ing too. So we will see nearer the time when I'll go with it.
I'll keep you all updated with the rest of the 'journey' over the next couple of months. Exciting time ahead I'm sure! Before I go, I thought I'd share a small excerpt from my still nameless story....without further ado, its over to Luca....
In the distance he could see the Corcovado Mountain and the Christ the Redeemer statue situated at
its peek. The last of the evening sun’s rays glittered around the edges of the
solid concrete and soapstone artwork, illuminating its beauty and presence for
the whole of Rio to adore. Its arms were open wide and ironically, Luca felt as
if the statue was welcoming him back to his motherland.
He needed to remain focused and remember exactly why he was here and
what he had to do. Once it was done, he’d be on the first jet back to New York.
Brazil and Rio held nothing for him anymore.
'Til next time!
Sam :-)
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Happy Mothers Day
the title suggests, Happy Mothers Day to all of you Mummies out there! And a
very special Happy Mothers Day to my own Mummy, who without, I don't know what
we would do. I love her so much!

'Til next time!
Sam :-)
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Nazarea Andrews is chatting about Setting as a Character....
Morning guys!
Today, Nazarea Andrews has dropped by my little ol' part of cyber space as she kicks off her blog tour/book promotion. I'm really thrilled to have her here to share her story (Edge of the Falls) with you. It sounds fresh and something completely different, which I always love. So, over to her really.... Enjoy!
When I read a book, I love being lost in a new world. To me, it doesn't matter if its a city I'm intimately familiar with, like Atlanta, or a place that I have never been, like Prague. All that matters is that the details are there and I can see the world that I'm stepping into.
When I wrote Edge, I knew what setting it would have--and if you read it, you will likely recognize the inspiration of the waterfall. But just as important was the Manor, the home that is both comforting and menacing. The ever-present darkness that is part of the world dictates so much of their world, the actions of Sabah and her friends, as well as keeping the Citizens in fear.
So what makes a good setting? In my opinion it's a mixture of broadstrokes--a sprawling, three story manor with a fireplace in the kitchen and a garret on the third floor.
And it's a handful of details-- flickering firelight and cold rooms, work chairs and the scent of paper and ink and children.
One of my favorite books is The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien could set a scene--he took setting to an extreme that drowned you in details until not only could you see a forest, you could see the pattern in the bark of the tree that hid Frodo.
And that works for some people. For me, not so much.
Your setting should always have a point-- there shouldn't be a line tree and a shed unless they play a role in the story. But it should also convey the tone of the story--a decrepit beauty, like in middle earth, that seeped from every broken tree.
Your setting should have personality and influence the story, as mush as any secondary character. Maybe even more.
Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog. Her first book, Edge of the Falls, is available March 12.
Edge of the Falls synopsis:
Sabah always knew where she belonged—with Berg—and what was expected of her—to care for the other children the Mistress took in. But when a ban-wolf saves her life, things begin to change. Arjun isn’t like the other ban-wolves, the savage creatures that are barely human. He’s gentle and furious and as Sabah spends time with him, she can’t seem to get him out of her mind. But in a world of darkness, control, and danger, is there a place for two outcasts? A romantic retelling of Beauty and the Beast in a dark dystopia.
You can find Nazarea and Edge of the Falls here:
Blog and website and in the Twittersphere @NazareaAndrews
Goodreads and Amazon and B&N
'Til next time!
Sam :-)
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